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AccessoLoo secures support from UnLtd – delivering social change in our community

We are proud to announce our award from UnLtd, the UK’s foundation for social entrepreneurs. The award’s funding and tailored business support will significantly help us to widen the positive social impact for the disabled community across the island of Ireland.

During lock-down over the past year, we have utilised the time in research and development to be able to extend the products ad services we are able to offer. As well as our mobile Changing Places for outdoor and pop-up events, we have been able to develop a modular Changing Places. This will offer a cost effective permanent solution to breaking down the barriers that disabled people face when trying to access public toilets. We are also able to extend this to installation of Changing Places is physical buildings as they are almost identical to the modular units that we are manufacturing.

What is best about all of this, is that we are producing these items where quality is paramount, but the profit margin is not. This is a solution that we all believe in and require, so the more affordable the product, the more we hope to see installed. Working across the island of Ireland, we are a user led organisation and have a lived understanding of the barriers that we face in 99% of places we visit. Michael Holden MBE of AccessoLoo said: “Unless you are disabled or have a family member or friend who has a disability, the likely hood that you have even considered the barriers we face in daily living is nil.”

UnLtd is currently working hard with partners from both the public and private sectors to deliver social impact by harnessing the huge potential of social entrepreneurs to solve society’s biggest challenges.
